Reactions to Our Court Watch Report in Fox6 News Coverage: Our Response

As published in Ashley’s Sears Report, Chief Judge Carl Ashley responded to our Court Watch Report:

The “Enough is Enough” initiative has rightly highlighted concerns about how reckless driving cases are handled and sentenced in the context of public safety. However, the initiative’s lack of scientific rigor and failure to account for the unique circumstances of each case undermine the impact of its recommendations. Every case involves an individual, not just a number, and each person deserves a thorough, individualized evaluation. Courts have a responsibility to impose the least restrictive sentence that ensures public safety, reflects the severity of the offense, and addresses the rehabilitative needs of the defendant. While the input of the initiative is appreciated, future efforts would benefit from integrating research-based practices and fostering community dialogue. This approach would enhance the effectiveness and credibility of the judicial process, and more importantly, work toward finding real solutions to prevent reckless driving.”

Enough is Enough ~ A legacy for Erin Offers the Following Response:

In reference to Judge Ashley and DA Lovern’s responses to our published report:

“The District Attorney’s office performs the scientific rigor and individualized analysis that Judge Ashley refers to, prior to presenting their sentence recommendation to the court.  Is the Chief Judge implying that the District Attorney’s office fails ‘to account for the unique circumstances of each case’?  Our analysis reports the fact that the court rules more leniently than the DA’s recommendation 69% of the time.  Going forward we will post examples of individual cases and sentencing on our website (  Ultimately, law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges must work together to respond to crime and keep the community safe.” 

~Jeanne Lupo, President, Enough is Enough ~ A Legacy for Erin

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