“Enough is Enough – A Legacy for Erin” was established by friends and family of Erin Mogensen who, along with her unborn child, was killed on November 2, 2023, by a serial felon fleeing police.
“Enough is Enough ~ A Legacy for Erin” works to eliminate reckless driving that results in injury and loss of innocent life throughout the State of Wisconsin
Enough is Enough Objectives |
Raising awareness about the perils of fleeing an officer and reckless driving resulting in bodily harm or death |
Court Watch: Proactively monitoring, recording and publishing prosecutorial patterns and judicial sentences |
Enforcement of fines and increased penalties for driving unlicensed vehicles/revoked driver’s license |
Oversight of probation and court-mandated requirements often overlooked by monitoring agencies particularly the Wisconsin Department of Corrections |
Supporting legislative actions for improved public safety |
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